Sylvia Bird AIFD

Sylvia Ann Bird  AIFD, AAF, PFCI, NDSF

Sylvia is an Accredited International Designer and Judge inducted into AIFD in 1991. A past National Board member, past National Secretary and also past President of the North East Region of AIFD. Sylvia is currently on the Board of Southern Region serving as Secretary. Was Vice Chair of AIFD Education Committee. Sylvia is a freelance designer working in the US and UK. Sylvia is a double medal winner at the Chelsea Flower Show. In 2006 and 2009 had the privilege of escorting Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth at the show. She was on the design team at the inauguration of President Bush and is on the floral design team for SAF for nine Annual Conventions. Sylvia lectures at the New York Botanical Gardens, has been a featured designer at the Philadelphia Flower Show. She has presented at National Symposium and also for Southern Region AIFD. She has also designed for the Canadian Florists in Niagara Falls, Canada and has designed in Europe and in Tokyo Japan. Sylvia has a teaching degree from Kingston University in England.


Última modificación: martes, 8 de enero de 2013, 21:08